Our Process

Our Steps in Preparing You to Achieve Maximum Benefit


Patients can come into these experiences with varied expectations. It’s important in this process of moving through emotions, pain, and the energy of past experiences, that we do so with intention. This means having a purpose or goal in mind when preparing for and entering into a ketamine infusion session. This step takes courage and a willingness to understand ourselves. Intention setting provides a vital framework around the process so that we can heal as deeply as possible. Being able to mindfully set intentions before your ketamine journey and fully trust the process allows you to be open to what it has to show you, granting a deeper understanding of yourself and lasting healing benefits.


During your experience, we want you to feel as safe, peaceful and tranquil as possible. While you relax back in a recliner, turn on a comforting playlist, and pull down your eyeshades, we will be there holding space for you. Dr Pace, a board certified anesthesiologist with more than twelve years experience administering ketamine, will continuously watch over your vital signs to make sure your physical body is safe while you drop into the medicine.


To ensure the appropriate blood concentration of medicine is achieved and maintained, we administer ketamine intravenously by using an infusion pump. This route of administration allows for accurate titration of the medicine to optimize its effects. Functionally, the goal is to quiet or dampen the brain’s Default Mode Network (DMN). The Default Mode Network is partially responsible for the stories we tell ourselves about the past, the future, and the rumination or reoccurring thoughts that cause us to get stuck in negative or anxious thought cycles. For some patients, this may create a mystical, spiritual, or sometimes challenging experience as they explore a non-ordinary state of consciousness allowing them to dig deep into their subconsciousness to process their emotions and pain.


The next step, and potentially the most vital, is integration. In order to unlock our fullest potential, we must be willing to incorporate the lessons we learn during the medicine journey into our daily lives. Coaches and integration facilitators are a crucial support system for patients, helping them process the emotions, challenges, insights and lessons gained during and after. This starts immediately after your infusion through discussion, meditation, and perhaps journaling while the insights gained from the medicine are most fresh. Our focused process of using an Outcomes Based Treatment approach is made simple through automated patient questionnaires and mood surveys. These are delivered directly to your phone for your convenience at different time intervals following your infusions allowing our team, and even your therapist, to quickly receive your updates and track your progress. We will also collaborate with your current mental health provider or refer you to trained licensed professionals to help continue the integration.

The integration is an often overlooked piece, but it is an essential part of grounding the experience into every day life so that it becomes embodied and aligned with your values. This part of the journey creates a bridge between the experience and everyday life and allows our healing work to really take root. The layers of meaning we come away with can take effort to unpack, even if the insights appeared clear as day in the moment. Integrating these experiences will allow for lasting changes to blossom.

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